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Queensland Academy of Personal Development welcomes you

The QAPD has been available since 1983, now in it's 26th year. We are located in Kenmore Brisbane Australia, and have Courses, Training, Books Counseling and Consultancy, both for the Business world and for people who want to develop particular business or Life skills. Our Books and Courses are on subjects such as Personal Development, Goals Programming to Achievement, Professional Marketing Manual, Communication, Problem Solving, Relationships, Taking Control of your Life, Financial Independence, Success Principles

For Business Staff we have Sales and Marketing, Leadership, Communication, Goals Programming, Personal Development, and a Professional sales/Marketing Diploma.

The Principal and Founder GEOFFREY MACKNESS created the QAPD when he moved from being the Director of Success Motivation Institute. He is the Author of the Books and Handbooks, and has been involved in Training, Counseling and Public Speaking for over 30 years. He was a Presbyterian Minister, and has a B.ECon, diplomas in Education, Psychotherapy,Counseling, Finance/Insurance,TQM and Executive Director. He has been state and national Director of Companies, Chairman of Australian Quality Council, Director of Funding in Community Services of the Uniting Church for Prison Chaplains, and achieved 14 state, national and 4 international marketing records in varying Industries. He has been involved in community projects including the physically and mentally disabled, running free Life Skills Workshops in Brisbane Council Libraries, and also assisted in the acute Psychiatric Unit in P.A.Hospital with mental clients as an available counselor and Advocate.He helped the physically handicapped for differing periods in rehabilitation and work. 


"Sure & Certain Plan for Success" contains everything you will need to follow day by day to enjoy the desired goal. Dream/Desire/Direction/Determination/Destiny. Includes lots of colourful illustrations, Wisdom and personal coaching. Posted $95:00

"The Professional Sales & Marketing Manual" contains, 14 important areas of essentials to not only being a recognised Professional in your Industry, but possibly the highest Achiever. Has illustrations and test questions at end of every Subject.Posted $195:00

Geoffrey Mackness Principal & Founder

We all were born with genius and a purpose, which we call the magnificent obsession. Finding and discovering who you are and what is your True Life Path is essential to experiencinmg the fulfilment that was destined for you. Where you were born, in what family , your socio-economic status, height colour disposition and external guidance all had an effect on your direction. We believe that no matter who you are, what age, colour, nationality or education, that dreams are possible to become reality and that you have the innate ability to overcome poverty, ignorance, physical handicaps, circumstances and adversity and triumph in your destined vocation. look at Helen Keller, Henry Ford, Sophia Loren, Andrew Carnegie and the hosts of thousands who have triumphed over all adversity to rise to heights of brilliance and awe-inspiring achievement. You too, have that birth privilege. Life is choices and attitudes and determination that will not be denied.

LIFE is making the right choices for you consistently"

True Self Image is not what others say and think of you, but comes from within. All success comes from within-what's in comes out. Nothing wrong with the Computer but the programming, so we have to "take charge of our Life" "know thyself" and let "the kingdom of God is within you" become a reality.

It's like a cup that is filled with oil and dirt and kerosene-that's what comes out, because that's what it is filled with. BUT, if we hold the cup under the tap and let the purity fo water fill and cleanse continually, there will comea time when only pure water will come out. The lesson is that we can control and change what we have been conditioned and brainwashed with all our lives from babies.

Siblings, parents, educators, church, friends and associates have told us forever what we can't do and to try and control and manipulate us-now, today is the time when we shall decide and choose what we listen to, read, believe and want ourselves to be,do,have and experience! If you don't do it, then it will NEVER happen. Unless we change and believe and think,feel differently, everything will continue as before.

It's YOUR life and story, and you do HAVE the power to change and live positively.


If you do nothing-then nothing will happen. A lass looking for a life partner was advised, not to listen to what he said, only what he did, and in that way she would'nt make the same mistake as those 53% of couples that are divorced or separated in the first ten years of marriage. If I asked you to come round to my office each day and gave you $1440 dollars to spend as you liked,only what you didn't you had to bring back, then I'm sure you would roll up everyday. Everyday we are given 1440 minutes, rich or poor, young or old, male or female. It is only for each to use. We can't bank it or save it, only use it-so the secret is using all the time we have at our disposal in being positive, happy, warm, generous and dedicated to doing and achieveing those things that are really important. More than half of what families have in the home is never used, so material things aren't the real answers of life. If I plant orange trees, I dont get watermelons, cucumbers or thistles-be careful what you sow, and the choices you make.